


This is a reminder that the ag娱乐官网 校董会 will meet in person on Thursday, 5月11日th  下午3点.m. 在JPH会议中心.




  • 财务报道- Richard Stipe
  • 主席报告-博士. 里克Massengale


  • 四月定期会议纪要
  • 替代职位:教育人才寻访学术顾问(资助)
  • 替代职位:PN项目教员
  • 修改政策:留校察看
  • 新职位名称:职业生涯路径 Initiative(资助项目)
  • 临时职位延续到2023-2024年

监测报告-扩大劳动力教育/培训- David Mason


Pursuant to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 25-19-106 (c) (1) 行政会议s will be permitted only for the purpose of considering employment, 任命, 促销活动, 降级, 管教, 或任何公职人员或雇员的辞职.


  • 2023-2024财年拟议预算
  • 2023-3024财年拟议的学费和学杂费费率
  • 暖通空调项目-关怀资金重新分配






周四,北阿肯色大学董事会召开例会, 13, 2023年5月在JPH会议中心. 麦克纽主席于下午三点宣布会议开始.m. 受托人PamHenry, 琳达举杯祝酒, 黛比·约翰逊, 凯文•谢利, 路加福音Feighert, 莎拉·纽曼,没有汤姆林森, 斯科特·米勒也出席了.

出席会议的ag娱乐官网人员包括Richard Stipe博士. 罗德尼·阿诺德,乔·亚当斯博士. 里克Massengale, Ryan Hoffman, Brandon Cone, melissa abray, Nell Bonds, Dr. 马特·卡丹博士. Laura Berry, Kelsea Lowery, KrisGreening, Bobby Howard, Micki Somers, Tavonda Brown, Dr.  大卫·梅森,嘉宾,杰森·佩兴斯.



麦克纽主席问,目前的议程是否有任何变化. 由于没有人,议程就通过了.



财务报告- richard Stipe分享&截至2023年4月的G和辅助预算活动.

在E区&G基金, Richard Stipe表示当月总收入为1美元,141,252, 今年迄今为止是15美元,064,887. The expenditures for the month were $1,267,708, and theyear-to-date was $13,291,588. Mr. Stipe said it is typical that the college hasabout 2% of its budgeted revenue to come in the last couple of months. He said we are slightly ahead in revenue due to receiving the state funding sooner thanin the past. 他说他相信我们在年底的时候会有良好的信誉.

Auxiliary: Revenue for the current month ended at $234,281 with a year-to-date total of $1,767,900. Expenditures current month total ended at $118,562 and a year-to-date total of $1,738,996. Mr. Stipe said the activity in the auxiliary is winding down with the college grill closing for the summer, 但是整个夏天我们会有一些动作.


总统发表. Massengale谈到了修订后的政策, 留校察看, and noted that we would present any new orrevised guidelines at future board meetings. 他提到了全国过渡委员会午宴/伙伴关系和国家签署日. Dr. 马森格尔说,这一切都是为了庆祝学生. He thanked NARMC for donating the ambulance to our EMS program and thanked Kastle Graphics for the custom wrap. 他向建筑技术专业的学生Gavin Ray表示祝贺, who recently was recognized as the Malco Tools Head of the Class student of the year.

He said it was a privilege to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduated students. ag娱乐官网 HVAC students assisted ag娱乐官网's maintenance department with replacing several air conditioning units on the south campus. Dr. 马森格尔说,这些学生正在学习并成为项目的一部分. He invited everyone to register for the 2023 Charity 高尔夫锦标赛 on Monday, May 22, 2023.





替代职位:教育人才搜索、学术顾问(资助), PN计划教员修改政策:留校察看



麦克纽主席要求动议批准同意议程. A motion was made by Trustee Henry, seconded by Trustee Johnson, andunanimously approved.


Dr. David Mason介绍了监测报告《ag娱乐官网》. 他强调了部门目标.3.1 .建立新的劳动力培训计划.3.确保现有的劳动力计划有足够的预算资源. 他提到沃巴什是诺瑟克公司的合作伙伴. 我们为他们的13名员工提供了交流/直流流体动力培训, 培训结束后,他们会获得证书. 向沃巴什的五名雇员提供了维修培训, 我们预计会有三到四名学员参加这个项目.

Dr. Mason said they have completed three rounds of training in ARC FLASH with electrical safety. He said there is a high demand,and we will offer another training in late summer or the fall. Dr. Mason mentioned we have partnered with Pace Industries and provided tooling training levels one and two. 他祝贺完成培训的学员. 《ag娱乐官网》被带到马歇尔、哈里森和北达科他州的南校区. 他说,有300多名学生参加,超出了他的预期.

Dr. 梅森提到了转移的合作关系. 我们收到了五个虚拟耳机,模拟了几个职业, 比如Diesel, 航空维修, 汽车, 电气施工, 和医疗. He said we are trying to plant the seeds to students to show wha tis offered at ag娱乐官网 and as a career. Dr. Mason said over five hundred experienced the simulations from October 2022-March 2023. 他表示,机器人专家和机器人安全是学生们的首选. Trustee Miller asked if the virtual headsets correspond with the breakdown of interest areas. Dr. 梅森说,学生可以选择他们想要体验的模拟器, 机器人专家和安全是首选.

展望未来, PLC), 可编程控制器系统, has been requested by our industrial businesses and will be offered in late summer 2023. He said we are looking into Manufacturing Solutions to develop and provide leadership classes. John Levy将于2023年5月和6月在北校区为发那科提供培训. He mentioned a possible partnership with US Steelto give the FANUC and CNC training.

Dr. 梅森在制造技能标准委员会发言, MSSC, and worked with Arkansas 社区 Corrections to pilot a program to offer manufacturing training. He said the program takes 4-6 months to complete and gives individuals in the correctional system a second chance. He discussed the process and rules of the program and noted it is entirely funded by WOIA.受托人米勒问我们是否与当地人合作. 他说是的,我们正在和当地合作. 受托人约翰逊问起了卡利科岩石. He said it is not limited to state facilities; they have been the only ones to show interest. 他说,他希望接触尽可能多的设施.

Dr. Mason asked Jason Patience to speak about his experience with our partnership and workforce. Mr. 佩兴斯讲了一些他的工作经历. 他想在工作上有所成就,但当时还没有上大学. He said Wabash wanted to provide students and employees with experience in the manufacturing field. He said they gained with technology over fifteen years and had some bright individuals to get employees to the point of understanding the equipment. 然而, they did not have anyone to come in the operations job to continue to train on the equipment and the ongoing changing of technology. Mr. 佩兴斯说,他开始和布朗博士一起工作. 梅森几年前. 他提供了沃巴什对员工的一切要求. He said through the college and workforce, they have the program and training that were needed. Mr. Patience said the individuals who go through the program are excited about the knowledge they learn, 这对他们的事业有帮助吗. 受托人米勒说了一切. 梅森说这是非常赞赏和有利的.


下午4点42分,董事会休会,开始执行会议.m. 来讨论总统的合同. 受托人费格特提出一项动议,并得到受托人米勒的附议,要求休会. 没有采取任何行动. After returning, Trustee Johnson motioned to reconvene, which Trustee Pledger seconded. 受托人亨利说董事会想延长. Massengale的合同为一年. 董事会建议在2023年重新审视薪酬. 受托人亨利提议接受延长博士任期. 马森格尔的合同将推迟到2023年秋季再决定薪水. 受托人约翰逊表示赞同.


2023-2024财年学杂费费率- Richard Stipe表示,目前没有其他信息, 包里的所有内容都在董事会预算会议上讨论过. 受托人纽曼评论说,如果入学人数增加, 考虑给全体员工加薪. 麦克纽主席要求动议批准学杂费费率. A motion was made by Trustee Feighert, seconded by Trustee Cheri, and unanimously approved.

2023-2024财年运营和资本预算提案 Richard Stipe表示,目前没有其他信息, 包里的所有内容都在董事会预算会议上讨论过 and in the handout given to each trustee. 麦克纽主席要求动议批准运营和资本预算. A motion was made by Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee Pledger, and unanimously approved.

HVAC项目-关怀资金重新分配- Richard Stipe说,目前正在进行两个项目. 他说,供暖和通风工程已经完工, 但是我们还没有支付江森自控的最后一笔款项. The other project: 汽车 air conditioning, should be completed within the next few months. He said since we are near the end of the CARES grant, we have some funds left to spend. 完成CARES基金, 我们需要确定合适的资本支出, or we would need to go back to Little Rock before the June legislature review process to ask to reallocate it to spend the funds in a different category. 他说,通过做出这种改变, we can wrap upthe CARES funding and the projects and have more capital funds on hand. 他指出,这些项目的净变化为零.

Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve HVAC projects- CARES funding reallocation. A motion was made by Trustee Henry, seconded by Trustee Miller, and unanimously approved.



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